Welcome to Our Rental Community: Your FAQs Answered!

Welcome to Our Rental Community: Your FAQs Answered!

Frequently Asked Questions

Hey there! Thinking about making our place your next home? Awesome choice! We’ve put together this handy FAQ to cover all the burning questions you might have. Let’s dive right in:

1. Is there an application fee?

Nope! We believe in keeping things simple and affordable, so you can apply hassle-free.

2. How long are the lease terms?

Our standard lease term is one year, but hey, we like to sweeten the deal for long-term commitment! Discounts are available if you sign up for more than a year.

3. Are utilities included in rent?

We’ve got a mixed bag here. Some of our properties cover water/sewer/trash, some handle water/sewer/electric, while others leave it up to you. Just ask us for the specifics!

4. What is the policy on pets?

Furry friends make life better, but unfortunately, we don’t allow pets at the moment. Sorry, Rover!

5. What security measures are in place?

Safety first! Nearly all our properties come with deadbolts, and some even have the added security of cameras and alarms for extra peace of mind. For emergencies please call the police office or 911 and try to let our office know at 573-335-7368.

6. Can I sublease my apartment?

Officially, no. But hey, we’re flexible! You can have a verified roommate. It’s kind of like subleasing, but they have to go through us first.

7. Do I need renter’s insurance?

Technically, it’s not mandatory, but we highly recommend it. Better safe than sorry, right?

8. Do we offer student housing?

Absolutely! We’ve got space for students, although we don’t play matchmaker when it comes to roommates. You’ll have to find your own study buddy!

9. Are there any campus shuttles?

We don’t offer campus shuttles simply because our properties are spread out all over! You’re free to explore at your leisure!

10. How do I pay my rent?

Easy-peasy! You can pay online through our website or drop by in person if you prefer a more old-school approach.

11. How do I report maintenance issues?

Got a leaky faucet or a wonky door? Scan the QR code magnet on your fridge or submit a request through our website. We’ll get it sorted ASAP!

12. Do we have a referral program?

You betcha! Know someone looking for a rad place to live? Send them our way, and if they sign up and mention your name, you’ll get $250 off your rent. No limits on referrals – spread the word!

13. What is the procedure for renewing my lease?

Don’t want to leave us just yet? Great news! Reach out at least 30 days before your lease is up, and we’ll set up a renewal.

14. Can I terminate my lease early?

Life happens, we get it. If you need to bail early, you can do a lease buyout and settle up for the remainder of your lease.

There you have it, folks! We hope this FAQ has cleared up any doubts you had. Still got questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help make your renting experience as smooth as possible. Cheers to new beginnings and cozy homes!

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